Secured debt is a loan which is "secured" by property. Simply put, if the bank can come and take something from you if you don't pay (ie; home, car) then the debt is secured.
Unsecured debt is the most common type of debt and is typically in the form of credit card debt.
Eliminating Unsecured Debt
bankruptcyreaching a settlement with the creditor for less than the balance due - also known as debt settlement or debt negotiationCredit Counseling and Debt Consolidation services typically focus on eliminating your debt by settling with your creditor for less than the balance due. A realistic goal would be to settle the debt for between 35%-50% of the balance. If you want to eliminate credit card debt fast and your lenders are taking you to court If you don't show up, the other side will get a default judgment and they will get this on their terms.
If you want to eliminate credit card debt fast and you are already being taken to court it is not too late to get help. If you are in debt get help now and.
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